Mileage fee: $0.68/km from our central headquarters in Fort Garry to client’s address, + return trip from client’s home to headquarters
3 Pack Postpartum Wellness (5 hours)
-Infant feeding assessment and education, including direct breastfeeding assistance as required. Infant weigh-ins as needed
-Physical healing check-in/assessment, mental health check in, birth story review
-Respite/education in the comfort of your home to assist with rest and healing
Cost: $225 for 3 in-person visits consisting of a total of 5 hours, plus mileage
! Are you a Baby Rush client within the last year? If so, you are eligible for a 15% off discount. Please reach out for discount code !
*Once purchased, services are entered into our calendars and therefore cannot be refunded due to scheduling conflicts and limiting other services being booked
Prior to booking your postpartum package:
*Note, if booking any postnatal group workshops, the following is not required
Mileage fee: $0.68/km from our central headquarters in Fort Garry to client’s address, + return trip from client’s home to headquarters
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